Ninety years is a long time for a business to exist. For it to thrive and grow, we like to think we're doing the important things right.
Ninety years is a long time for a business to exist. For it to thrive and grow, we like to think we’re doing the important things right.
When major companies are sued in Oklahoma, we often are retained by national counsel for our local litigation expertise. Local companies retain us as their regular counsel.
We are preferred panel counsel for most major insurers for many different classes of risk, including bad faith defense and coverage matters. Communication, early evaluation and rigorous scheduling leads to excellent results and cost containment.
We realize multinational corporations with a serious matter in Oklahoma can be uncomfortable with the idea of entrusting their fate to 25 lawyers in Oklahoma whom they have never met. Unlike many large firms, our only business is litigation. For decades, we have teamed with many of the largest law firms in the world as local counsel. This allows clients the security of knowing their matter is being overseen by their regular lawyers, who are made even more effective with the benefit of our deep understanding of local laws, courts and people.
We continue to accept smaller cases. It is a service to our clients to have all matters with one firm and enables our associates to develop essential trial skills. The challenge with a smaller case is to work the case so that it remains small and ends successfully. This requires careful risk assessment, case management and oversight and cost containment.
Our turnover is low. Most of our lawyers began their legal careers in our summer clerkship program while in law school. Many of our staff have been with us for decades. Most of our client relationships go back decades as well. This stability and continuity allow us to tailor our services to meet the particular guidelines of a client without having to start over with each case.